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Writer's pictureKimberly S

Where do I Sign?

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

Did you know that you have a role to play in your healing process? the first step is the most important step sometimes but can also be the most difficult.

I know you’re strong. Do you know you’re strong? How do I know that

without having met you? Well, because it takes a bit of courage to even click

on a website like this. It also takes a lot of strength to endure abuse in any of its forms

especially when it’s sustained for any length of time. Knowing that, would you be willing to refocus that strength to re-purpose it? Not for survival mode anymore but instead to fight for your well-being. For your healing. What do I mean? I mean you have an active part to play in your healing process.

First step would be to recognize and admit there’s an unhealed wound, the problem so to speak. There’s absolutely no need to proceed any further until we can establish that fact. Like, “Hi my name is Kimberly and I have an anger problem”, and all the Honeys said?

“Hiiii Kimberlyyyy!” Oh, anger isn’t your problem? So, you fill in the blank. “Hi, my name is _______ and I have an anxiety/depression/control/mistrust/substance abuse/eating disorder/spending/easily offended/cheating/serial dating problem. You see it all surfaces in different ways but first, one has to recognize and admit there’s a problem.

For those of you who accidentally clicked on this link looking for a honey healing eczema mask, I got you! Click Here but, I believe it’s not by accident, you are reading these words right now. After we get real and honest with ourselves that we ALL have issues, myself included, let’s explore the thought that it really is a heart issue. Like Psalmist David wrote in Psalms 51:10 NLT, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a loyal spirit within me."

“First step would be to recognize and admit there’s an unhealed wound, the problem so to speak.”

Let me paint you a better picture so I can explain more of what I mean. Just like anyone who’s suffered from a real-life medical heart condition, they need medical attention from the experts in the field. They go through the process of getting their symptoms checked out, they always knew something wasn’t quite right and lo and behold, turns out they need surgery. Super terrifying thought. They process the news and pump themselves up all the way until operating day. They’re ready to face their fear head on because they know in the end, this will make them better. In walks their surgeon, who holds their hand and ensures them all will be well. This is a routine type of surgery that’s been done thousands of times before with 100% success & survival rate. The patient is comforted because no one can deny that those are some darn good odds. However, just before the patient is wheeled into the operating room, a hospital staff member comes in for one last thing. You know what that is? CONSENT FORMS! the patient agreement for this surgery to be performed. No matter how urgent or how serious of a condition the heart problem is, or how much better they’ll be afterwards, no surgery will be performed without their legal written consent. That’s where the rubber meets the road Honeys.

Just in case you didn’t already see where I was going with this, Jesus is the surgeon and you’re the patient with the heart condition. I’m kinda sorta like the hospital staff letting you know you got an agreement to sign. Not literally but you know right? You might be thinking, "Well if Jesus knows I’m in so much pain and need such a healing then why won’t he just do it?" The answer to that Sweetness, is because He’s such a perfect gentleman and will not go against our free will. He will not override our comfort zone unless we give Him permission to. That’s how it works. So many of us haven’t given Him full access to our hearts for a number of reasons not fully understanding why we’re stuck in our healing process or understanding just how trustworthy and gentle He is. At the same time we’re not realizing how desperately we need that heart surgery. Scratch that, what we really need is a whole entire heart transplant. We’re walking around with stents and triple bypasses from attempts at self medicating. Some of us are numb, we’re so emotionless we may put a hand over our chest just to make sure our heart is still beating.

While others are in so much pain that the slightest slight turns us into an emotional wreck.

“I don’t need a heart transplant Kimberly! I’m good, I dealt with my past, it is what it is, and this is just how I am.” If you’re ok, then why are you ripping off the head of your waitress or barista for getting your latte order wrong? Why are you estranged from that loved one for years at a time? Why the road rage? (Matthew 12:34) says, “Out of the abundance of the heart does the mouth speak.” There’s absolutely a heart issue at hand whether you trace it back to your heart or not. If you’re still not convinced, how about praying Psalms 139 anyway? Just for the heck of it. What could it hurt? See what comes of it. “Search me, Oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” (NLT translation) Now that’s a prayer He will DEFINITELY answer because it’s in His word.

WARNING: Do not pray that prayer unless you’re really ready to have it answered. That’s what we call a dangerous prayer and is reserved for those who mean business. I still lovingly dare you to pray it though. What I will also admit to you is that it’s not easy to admit that we have a problem and in some rare cases may even be the cause of the issues in our life which are really just ripple effects of what’s going on internally. The circumstances that lead us to our broken heart may not have been any fault of our own. However, if we continue to operate from a place of hurt, we’ll eventually push everyone we love away and actually end up creating more victims especially if we’re lashing out on our children, our peers or younger generation. The cycle has to end, the generational curse be broken, but to do that, we have to be fed up with working at half capacity. We are not loving our neighbor or ourselves to our full potential if we’re still holding onto emotional baggage and pain from our past. Not to mention the pain we are in chronically. You can’t tuck in a bad attitude as easily as you would your hair underneath a baseball cap on a bad hair day. Eventually your true character will emerge when life’s storms pressure you.

Do you want to keep replacing stents? Or do you want an entire new heart? I know the Master Surgeon personally, I pray you do too. If not, He’s only a prayer away and He’s currently accepting new patients.

Your thoughts? Please feel free to comment below.

Happy Healing!



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