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Writer's pictureKimberly S

Make Time for Your Healing

We all make time for what we consider to be important. I think healing is important and not enough emphasis is ever made on it. Yet, An unhealed heart and mind can effect pretty much everything you do. How you treat people, how you treat yourself, what you tolerate and what you can’t seem to gain “victory” over. In my humble opinion, all roads lead back to Healing

Healing also isn’t something you can rush. It actually requires you setting aside time intentionally to be with the Lord to hear from Him and process what’s troubling you on a deeper level. The funniest thing about this, is you may not even know that something is bothering you on such an internally deep level UNTIL you set aside time to just sit in God’s presence. This is important to note for all the busy bodies out there. Sometimes we can be so preoccupied with our lives and in such a rush all the time that we just look at our devotional or prayer time as checking off a task for the day. I’m pretty sure we’re not using our prayer time as effectively as we could with that attitude.

Have you ever watched a major city’s marathon on tv and the spectators or coaches on the sidelines are waiting with energy gel packs and water to toss at the exhausted runners as they go by? I’m pretty sure the runners don’t ever stop, they’re being timed obviously but they still need the water and the gel pack so they Grab & Go. Unfortunately it seems like that’s how many of us approach our healing or any other breakthrough we're seeking. We go about our busy schedules, working long hours, picking up and dropping off the kids, meal prepping, working out, or whatever else we’re busy doing and ON THE WAY we expect to be deeply ministered to. Sorry to break it to you Honey, it really doesn’t work that way. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely received an encouraging word from a segment on christian radio during my drive to work. But my commute is 15mins and I’m pre-occupied with driving. Where’s the time to respond? Where’s the time to let the Word sink in? There isn’t.

I’m speaking to myself as well here, but we have to be more intentional about spending time with the Father. There’s so much He wants to communicate to us but are we willing to slow down long enough to listen? An old pastor of mine used to say, “if you’re too busy for God then you’re just too busy”. How true. Yes, we may have to sacrifice a little sleep in the morning, or turn down some appointments or postpone some hangouts or leave the gym a little earlier, abandoning that last rep, but my point is that some part of our day has to be sacrificed if we’re going to develop a new pattern of intentional peace seeking. Here’s one of my favorite quotes that I couldn’t agree with more.

“All of humanity's problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”Blaise Pascal, Pensées

We're ALWAYS on the go. Especially those of us who aren't as fortunate to live in some quieter more rural parts of the country where the pace is a bit slower. Ever notice something about people in those areas? They're a lot more peaceful. There's a reason city folks go to the "country" to decompress.

Here’s what happened once I intentionally set aside time, I mean like for real time with no time limits and a silenced cell phone, to sit in His presence. I got overwhelmingly emotional seemingly out of the blue, such a deep sob that I surprised myself. During my childlike meltdown, He brought back to my memory a really hurtful time from my teenage years that I had NO IDEA I was still grieving over. So here I am thinking I’m over it, or past it and He ever so gently showed me what I still needed healing me from. Here’s the thing about when He brings up hurtful occurrences from our past, especially ones we’ve subconsciously suppressed, it’s not for the purpose of making you relive your nightmare or to taunt you with awful memories. What’s happening is actually part of the hurt purging process. The washing part. Knowing what I know now, I can look back at that past hurtful time with a fresh set of mature eyes and renewed understanding towards it. I’ve come to grips with it. I’ve learned the lessons from it and now it’s stored into the Processed (hurt) and Proceed (with life) part of my brain. All this from one good uninterrupted quiet time session with Jesus. Now you can imagine I’m wondering what else is stuffed in there? What other hurts need to come to the surface? What else is causing my anxiety that I seem to have no explanation for? Matthew 6:6 actually encourages us to seclude ourselves for a time to seek the Lord. It makes reference of Him being found in the Secret Place. Where is that for you? Only you know. It could be on a quiet walk in the park, or a solo hike, or a sunset walk on the beach. I like my quiet apartment and I happen to live alone so I’m not distracted much and I sit there most times but it can really be anywhere for you. I know many of you are busy wives and mom’s but that’s when the prayer closet reference starts to make more sense. Do whatever it is you need to do, but fight for that quiet time. Even if its just for 10-15 minutes of uninterrupted time. The key is it being uninterrupted and the Lord sees you’re trying. You’ll be amazed at how much smoother your day goes, how your head is clearer and how you’re normal stresses don’t effect you as much.

I’m so grateful to God for how gentle He deals with me. He handles my heart with kid gloves so to speak. He knows just how much I can take at a time and the same goes for you. This is part of the process, this is healthy and normal. I say all of this to say, Do yourself a favor. Trust Him with your past hurts. Trust Him with your Heart and most importantly Trust Him with your Healing. Don’t close out the final weeks of this crazy year carrying the same baggage from years past. Set aside time and sit at His feet. Even if it feels nothing is happening, trust me, it is. He hears your prayers, He sees your heart and wants to heal you more than you want healing for yourself. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to email me at or DM me at @HealedHoney on IG and I’d love to walk you through it. Be encouraged Honey!

Happy Healing!



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