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Writer's pictureKimberly S

Destination: HEALING

I want to invite you to a place. It's really hard to find & kind of hard to get to. Hard, but not impossible. It may cost you time & the laying down of your pride but won’t cost you a cent of actual money. Once you’re there, you’ll feel like a weight has been lifted & that you’re able to breathe again.

Truth is, everyone really should venture to take this journey at some point. We'd all be better for it. We'd be kinder to ourselves and those around us. I also understand why so many people don't. If you're not equipped heading out, you probably won't make it. Being equipped really is a matter of getting your mind right before you start. Until we decide to make the trek, there’s always this inner drive to get to a place we’ve never been yet somehow instinctively know is where we need to be at the same time. The route I took to get there, won't be the same route you take. But we'll end up in the same place. You also might get there much faster than I did. Or you could take a lot longer. You see, this journey is so specific to each individual. The reasons that led you to pack up and go are probably different also. You have to want to get there bad enough and realize that although the journey is rough, it's still better than where you currently are. Unless that point is settled in your mind, you may never venture out. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to quit and go back to who and what you're used to. You have to decide in advance that you won't stop until you arrive. No matter how hard it gets. Once you decide that, you’ll be ready to strap in and be on your way.

Dear friend, as someone who’s taken this trip, let me warn you & Tell you what to expect.

There will be obstacles and voices in your head telling you to quit and go back home. Voices asking you, “Who do you think you are? Do you really think there’s better out there for you? Be satisfied with what you’ve got! Settle!…….Peace? What is that anyway? Why can't you seem to have it for longer than a moment? Why do you think you deserve it? Healing for your mind? Nope, not without your meds!” You’ll be exhausted from silencing the voices & you’ll probably want to give up. You'll be mentally and emotionally drained. There's no where to stop for food along the way. What you’re used to “eating” won’t do it for you anymore. Another drink won’t help, another food binge, another late night visit from “them”, another hit from a joint, another binged Netflix series, or shopping spree, or fancy new gadget or 8 mile run. At the point of your embarking on this journey, nothing will help or satisfy the void you feel in the pit of your stomach. But that’s OK, because the only nourishment you’ll need is the Word of God. The Holy Bible. It’ll satisfy your malnourished soul in ways you could never imagine. Yes, that very same book that’s been collecting dust on your nightstand. You’ll need that! Bring it with you.

You may start your journey with a group of friends, ones who claim they want to go where you’re headed too but I can guarantee you, somewhere along the way, they WILL fall away and you'll find yourself on the path alone. They may think they know a better route to your destination. They don't. Don’t hold this against them though, remember each path is different and this journey was only meant for you and God anyway. You'll have to dig deep and remember every promise you were ever told about His goodness because you'll feel every thing but good along the way. You'll find yourself humming old hymns or songs from children's church because it's all you can remember. Suddenly, the lyrics from Hillsong’s Oceans make a lot more sense. You'll alternate between sobbing fits and feeling numb, all the while, still putting one foot in front of the other. Not understanding how and where the strength to do so is even coming from. You were told this place exists but you've never seen it. Only heard about it. You desperately want to get there but dread never finding it, for fear it might not actually exist. A little of the Israelite attitude creeps in and you start to long for the "good ol' days", the days that you know weren't actually so good after all but it's at least what you're familiar & comfortable with. Being comfortable rarely leads to growth and you know this, so you keep going. You remind yourself that something had to have been bad enough for you to start on this trek in the first place. You keep arguing with those voices in your head, the ones that come at you from all directions and at random times. Until, you realize you can tell them to “SHUTUP” and be silenced!

Now you’re on your way and walking by this thing called faith that you keep hearing about. Walking by faith and not by sight, because you have no sight. Your tears have been blinding you the entire time. You keep going, and now that the voices are gone, you start talking to yourself….or are you?? You hear a still small voice. Your conversations with yourself and those inner demons are replaced by conversations with Your Creator. You recognize this still small voice and the One it belongs to has been there the whole time. It’s been telling you how fearfully and wonderfully made you are. How you were put on this earth for more and how deeply loved by God you are. The more you stop and listen to this voice, it’s telling you where to go! You’re not trekking along aimlessly anymore.

Then you see a sign, DESTINATION: HEALING

You look up and the rain that had been pouring finally stopped. You're not even sure when it stopped but it did. The clouds linger a little while longer, but you keep going and those clouds give way to sunshine that warms your face in such a way that you appreciate every last ray of it beaming on your face. You look down, give yourself a good check and realize, you’re still standing! You’re still breathing! Oh. My. Goodness.

Congratulations, You’ve arrived! You’ve made it to the Healed Place.

I know getting there was hard, but remember hard is not the same as impossible. The trip here HAD to be difficult. That difficulty is the assurance that you are NEVER going back to the unhealthy place you found yourself in that made this journey necessary for you to begin with. Now, we move smarter, we ask more questions, we set boundaries, we test the spirits, we consult the Lord and His wisdom prior to major decisions & we heed warnings. Now, we protect our heart and our peace. Because our peace is priceless, this time around, we're acting like it. That difficult walk through the wilderness is what develops our character, matures us as believers or turns us into one. That walk is where your wisdom originates and making it through is what makes your smile brighter than most. Your survival of that season is why you praise the way you do and a tear comes to your eye when you see the cross of Jesus Christ. He died to take that pain away. He suffered so you wouldn’t have to. He came to give you life and life abundantly but you’ve never would’ve found that “life” if you hadn’t taken the trip. Now, it makes sense. You are not the same person you were when you started out on this journey. Praise God for that. You are forever changed. What a beautiful thing.

Don’t fear the difficult journey to healing, instead, fear staying the same and never arriving.

Your thoughts Honey? Please leave me a comment or drop me a line here to let me know if you've made this trip or are still on it. I'd LOVE to hear from you.

Happy Healing,


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