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Father, in the Name of Jesus,  please forgive me of my sins. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is your Son.  I believe that He died on the cross and rose three days later to save me from my sin so that I would have Eternal Life with Him in Heaven.  I repent of my sins and will worship You alone, all the days of my life. I invite you into my broken heart.   I want to live life and live it abundantly as you intended. Thank you for hearing me. Let Heaven make a record that I am YOURS. In your HOLY Matchless name, Amen. 



Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray against any attacks of the enemy for my life. I pray for your divine protection over me & declare that all plans for harm and destruction, from the pit of Hell be null & void right now. I pray for deliverance from addictions, codependency, mental breakdowns, sickness, spiritual oppression/possession, ungodly mindsets, the spirit of pride, disobedience, shame & false guilt.  I pray that you would sever every ungodly soul-tie I've harmfully made unknowingly & that you would help me turn generational curses into generational blessings for my bloodline. I pray you would help me recognize my authority in the spirit realm to continue to pray against any attacks I sense in the spirit.  Thank you Heavenly Father for hearing me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Father,   Your word says, "By your stripes we are healed."  I need a healing. Please seal the cracks of my broken heart with your blood-bought love. Reveal things from my past that I wasn't  aware I have been holding onto. I pray for a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Restore and renew my crushed spirit, soul and body to transform me into the likeness of Christ. Restore my damaged and bruised areas, back to its originally created structure and shape. To my imprisoned parts, set them free from confinement. Transform my timid parts to be bold and strong, and awaken the ones that have slumbered. I don't want to live in pain anymore, so I lay it all down at the foot of the cross. Thank you in advance for your healing touch upon my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Father, I'm weary and worried. Please strengthen my faith in You during this season of my life.  Help me to put my complete trust in you because I know you have my best intentions at heart.  Help me get through another day because right now I don't see the light at the end of my tunnel. Please lead me to that Light, which is You. I'm asking for your Peace that passes all understanding to rule in my heart and to calm my chaotic mind. I need the rest that can only be found in You.  Renew my thinking from despair to hope. Help me continue to function for my family, my job, my spouse and myself. Remind me of your promises for a good hope and future, for safety and my sanity. Thank you for hearing me. In the name of your son Jesus, Amen. 

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