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I created this site with you in mind. Really, I did! I promise. I felt like there weren't enough Bible-based Christian resources available for those of us still needing healing & deliverance. Nothing talked about the ugly parts of the healing process or helped draw out the pain I buried so deep that I forgot where I stashed it. None that I could relate to at least. Frighteningly enough, even New Age practices have begun to creep into the church and frankly, real gut wrenching, crying in fetal position kind of pain is not getting fixed by burning sage and meditating around a pink Quartz. I know everyone's past and source of pain is so different, but that's why I love the one single solution for it all, JESUS.

I created this page to encourage & motivate the wounded so they too can walk away from their pain and embrace the abundant life through Jesus, that awaits them on the other side. A few years ago I went through the deepest darkest time of my life. I lost my joy, my peace and my smile. I also wasn't very nice. It's hard to be nice when you're hurt. Through a series of events, tons of friends & family praying for me & finding a new church, (nothing wrong with my old one) everything I thought I lost came rushing back. I had made it through to the other side, And guess what? I was still breathing!!


I love the beach, any beach, probably because it reminds me of the "Footprints" poem. I can never walk in the sand & not remember how Jesus literally carried me through my darkest of days. I want you to know that there is hope on the other side of whatever you're facing, even if you don't think or feel that there is.


When I'm not at work, or working on this blog, I'm having fun with my niece and nephews, working towards my brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu, trying out new recipes or exploring some new country. Traveling has taught me more than I imagined it would. I also appreciate a good cup of coffee, and a well baked chocolate chip cookie with just a pinch of sea salt.

There's nothing more beautiful to me than a soul that laughs freely without fear of judgment and knows on such a deep rooted level that they are unconditionally loved by the Creator of the Universe. Its in that space you can rejoice and call yourself a Healed Honey!

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